Newsletters and Updates
Monthly Newsletters
We distribute a monthly newsletter with upcoming events and information about how to stay involved with the Alumnae Association. This is the best way for us to keep in touch with you!
Please sign up using the form to the right of this page. If you'd like to submit some news for the newsletter, please fill out and submit our Newsletter Submission Form.
Non-Association News E-Mail Blast
This email blast is sent to Kappas who would like to learn about non-Association activities hosted by other Kappa sisters. Examples of the types of announcements involved in the list include direct sales parties (LuLaRoe, Scentsy), gatherings you'd host for other Kappas to learn about your line of work (personal finance, health and fitness), or gatherings at your business just for Kappas.
Please sign up for the Non-Association News Email Blast using the form to the right. If you'd like to submit information for this mailer, please contact Rachel Forrester at
Address Changes & New Members
Address changes should be sent to Peggy to ensure receipt of KAPPAGRAM and other Kappa information. Peggy will notify KKG Headquarters so that you will continue to receive THE KEY.
Peggy O. Roberts
40 Camino del Tecolote
Placitas, NM 87043-8802
(505) 238-0726
CLICK HERE to log in (or sign up for) the GIN System and get access to the current DIRECTORY to see if your information needs updating.
Submit a Shout Out for the Newsletter