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Interest Groups

Interested in heading up a special interest group?
The Association is seeking alumnae to head up its Kappa Krafters Group. Bring your ideas and build on the momentum already generated this year. If you’re interested in heading this group, please contact Katy Vigil (

Out to Lunch
Join the Association’s Out to Lunch Group!
For information on the Out to Lunch Group, contact Linda Rasley at (505) 884-6096.


Book Club
The Association Book Club meets the third Monday of every month at La Vida Llena at 10:00 a.m. Please join us at one of our upcoming gatherings.

Where: La Vida Llena
10501 Lagrima De Oro Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Snacks will be provided.

For information on the Book Club, contact Kay Sullivan at (505) 296-8228.


Kappa Golf Group

It’s Kappa Golf Time! Yeah!!! Please come play with us. Last year we had seven teams, each with two women, and we are hoping that number will be bigger this year! You can be a really good golfer or just like to swing a club and enjoy the outdoors. Matches are played when it is convenient for both teams. To top it all off, you can win great prizes at the end of the year! 

If you want to TEE IT UP with the golf group, please send Lynn Asbury an email at


Kappa Career Prep

As many alumnae know, Kappa is great career preparation.
Let's do even more to make sure our actives are confident and capable as they embark on their journeys post-graduation. Strong networks, good jobs, and making a difference in their communities benefits Kappa ladies and benefits the organization we all love and owe a lot to!

I'd like to announce the launch of a new program bringing together actives and alumnae for the purpose of preparing actives for the job market. Do you write a great resume or cover letter? Can you give a mock interview? Can you share what you wish you had known on your first job? Can you be the mentor you wish you'd had?

If you are interested in helping Kappas be powerhouses in their first jobs and internships, email Amy Weber at and stay tuned for our first event,
mentor speed dating!